Monday, May 17, 2010
Supersets and Exercise Pairings
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Low Back Pain Solution
When you have to bend over for whatever reason, you should be trying to get as much movement at your hips, otherwise you your lumbar spine usually takes up the slack.
This is tough for many simply because the mechanics of flexing at the hip are unfamiliar. An excellent exercise to help develop good posterior chain strength and good hip flexion/extension mechanics is the 45 degree back extension.
The 45 degree back extension is also good for those who are not strong enough to do normal flat back extensions.
Key Technique Points:
1. Maintain neutral arch throughout movement.
2. Brace abdominals firmly throughout.
3. Pull into top position with glutes, not lower back.
4. Avoid lumbar flexion on descent.
5. Mental focus should be on maintaining rigid torso through abdominal bracing and moving only at the hips.
Progressions for 45 Degree Back Extensions
1. Add external resistance using dumbbells, barbell across shoulders, or plates at your chest.
2. Use accommodating resistance such as bands or chains.
3. Use one leg only. (this provides additional benefit due to additional torque from rotational forces which must be resisted - this is an advanced technique)
4. Reduce rest between sets.
VIDEO: 45 Degree Back Extensions
Other Considerations:
If your hamstrings are too tight or too short, your range of motion may be very short forcing you to round your back to make much of a descent. If this is the case, resist the urge to go deep, and only do the range of motion possible with the neural lumbar arch. And of course, a good deal of hamstring stretching is on order as well.
If you have any questions or comments about this post, I'd love to hear about it in the comments section!
And as always.. please "LIKE" my video on the YouTube page! Helps with ratings!
Ginger Kills Cancer
So then they invented this...
"Hey mom, yes I'm feeling much better! I had cancer, but the Doctor made me drink 12L of Ginger-ale and I'm cured!"
Obviously this isn't exactly the case, but pay attention because it is important for your health!
For many, ginger is just a spice used in Thai food or eaten with Sushi. It has such a strong, distinct taste that it's difficult to add ginger in any significant quantity to most dishes without it becoming the focus flavour of the dish.
Can you imagine everything tasting like gingerbread? Yuck! Sure gingerbread is great, but for me it's a little too intense to think of having it outside of Thai or Sushi.
That said, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that there's something in ginger that's good for us. It almost tastes like "natural" medicine.
Thankfully this is not mere conjecture. It's actually backed up by science. It has long been known to have strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties, and anti-inflammatory properties. (2)
But there is also substantial research pointing to the ability of certain substances in ginger to kill cancer cells. (1,3,4,5)
Dr J. Rebecca Liu of the University of Michigan medical school found that ginger kills ovarian cancer cells in lab studies. Results were presented to the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting.
Now before you get your pants tied in a knot and run down to the health food store to buy ginger pills, as I've shown you before, it doesn't quite work that way. You can't harness the power of certain compounds found in foods and put them into pills and get the same benefits as you would if you ate the intact food in it's natural state.
So the big problem is how do you get enough ginger in your diet when it has such a strong and often unwanted flavour.
(Hint: It's not by drinking Ginger-Ale!)
Of course you'll think I'm crazy, but this is great! Trust me!
When you make your morning shake, add some fresh chopped organic ginger (skin and all) into the blender before you blend it all up. Believe me, that super strong ginger taste turns into a very likeable hint of ginger that you are sure to enjoy.
As an aside, if you think you don't have time for a morning shake it doesn't take long to get it ready. Check it out: (now just imagine me adding some ginger too!)
When we were in Australia in March, staying with some friends, they had a juicer and made us some fresh juice. I watched as it was being made and I shuddered watching how much ginger was going into the juice. But knowing how good it is for you, I downed the glass as fast as possible to get it over, expecting my eyes and throat to be burning afterward. But it never happened. I was amazed at how the expected sharp pungent bite was much more mellow and tolerable.
The moment we arrived back home I started adding it to my shakes every morning. Haven't missed a morning yet!
Hope you like it as much as I do!
Supporting Research
1. Katiyar SK, Agarwal R, Mukhtar H. Inhibition of tumor promotion in SENCAR
mouse skin by ethanol extract of Zingiber officinale rhizome. Cancer Res. 1996
Mar 1;56(5):1023-30.
2. Mascolo N, Jain R, Jain SC, Capasso F. Ethnopharmacologic investigation of
ginger (Zingiber officinale). J Ethnopharmacol. 1989 Nov;27(1-2):129-40.
3. Park KK, Chun KS, Lee JM, Lee SS, Surh YJ. Inhibitory effects of [6]-gingerol,
a major pungent principle of ginger, on phorbol ester-induced inflammation,
epidermal ornithine decarboxylase activity and skin tumor promotion in ICR mice.
Cancer Lett. 1998 Jul 17;129(2):139-44. Erratum in: Cancer Lett 1998 Sep
4. Surh YJ, Lee E, Lee JM. Chemoprotective properties of some pungent ingredients
present in red pepper and ginger. Mutat Res. 1998 Jun 18;402(1-2):259-67.
5. Murakami A, Tanaka T, Lee JY, Surh YJ, Kim HW, Kawabata K, Nakamura Y,
Jiwajinda S, Ohigashi H. Zerumbone, a sesquiterpene in subtropical ginger,
suppresses skin tumor initiation and promotion stages in ICR mice. Int J Cancer.
2004 Jul 1;110(4):481-90.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
As you know, I'm a firm believer in healthy eating habits, over diet tricks, and most nutritional supplements.
As I've mentioned before, as far as supplements go, a basic protein powder, an essential fat supplement, a basic "cover all your bases" multi-vitamin & mineral supplement, and as far as performance enhancement, CREATINE is excellent too.
Other than that, most of what is sold on supplement shelves is totally unnecessary if you have good solid nutrition habits.
So what's this crazy "PSYCHO-BODY-ROCKET-FUEL", I've been blabbing about?
Well, don't worry, I'm not trying to sell you any new supplements...
But I am trying to sell you on something...
Find out what it is below...
If the video takes too long to load just...
Now... you'll have to excuse me, while I was filming the video, I didn't realize that you wouldn't be able to hear my voice at a certain part.
Basically, I was saying that the you have to blend a bit longer to get rid of the chunkiness of the shake. I like it a bit chunky, but most people would probably want a spoon to eat it because it's so thick. So just blend longer.
I also realized after I watched the video that I forgot to add the oats... LOL... I don't have the greatest multi-tasking abilities... "CAN'T TALK AND MAKE SHAKE AT SAME TIME"
To recap on the quantities in my shake:
1250 kcal
64 g PRO (28% of Total Calories)
96 g CHO (42% of Total Calories)
68 g FAT (30% of Total Calories)
To adapt this to your own needs, maintain the approximate ratios of Pro, Carbs, and Fats, but either reduce or increase the quantities.
If you want a roughly 600 or 300 Calorie shake reduce the quantity of each of the ingredients below by half or a quarter.
1 Cup Organic 2% milk
1/2 Cup Organic Oats
4 Tbsp Udo's Oil
4 Heaping Tbsp Ground Flaxseed
4 Heaping Tbsp Liberte Organic Plain Yogurt
1 Scoop Protein Powder (30g Protein)
1/2 Cup Frozen Berries (Rasp, Blue, Straw)
1/4 Cup Frozen Cranberries
1 Small-Med Banana
After you try this shake, I'd love to hear what you think about it. Please leave your comments below.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
How Not to Start Your Day
I won't beat around the bush... I' m not psychic, but I am the man who knows!
And I'll bet my bacon that if you're not feeling full of energy, you probably had a BREAKFAST FAIL!
Maybe I was being a bit misleading with the title of the email I sent you, but I think the way you start your day is one of, if not THE most important things to get right.
Here's a few examples...
Unfortunately this person will always be fat, and will never succeed. Because deep down inside, they know this isn't healthy.
But since they like it, and the yogurt container says, "Heart Healthy Low Fat", and their muffin is low fat also (they think), and they have an apple, they feel safe to not be hounded for eating an even worse breakfast.
If this is your breakfast, you're seeking safety of not having everyone come down on you for eating crap. You feel if anyone notices what you're eating, they'll commend you for at least making an effort right?
Hey.. at least you're not eating a Poutine for breakfast!? Right?
Keep it up, and it's not the only thing that's gonna stay up!
Give me a fricken break! If you're overweight, and have no energy, the last thing you should be doing is being lazy with your breakfast. Ok, so it's not as bad as BREAKFAST FAIL #3, but come on... you can do better than this.
You've got a bowl of raspberries (good), almonds (good), and GARBAGE CEREAL!
As if you couldn't pop some oats in the microwave for 60 seconds... Jeez!
If this is your breakfast, and you're not already fat... you will be! If you already are... WTF are you still eating this crap for?
I know.. you're busy... WE ALL ARE... but skipping breakfast at home for this... is just plain old dumb! Do you have any idea what is in this garbage?
Here's the ingredient list: Fatso, dihydro-fatso, di-hommo-gamma-fatso, di-estryl-tetra-butylene-fatso, di-terephthalylideno-FATSOnic acid, ethylhelxyl-di-decoheptrexynolo-fatso, 1-2-octocryleno-fatso, 4-carbonic-methoxy-cinnamatalic-fatso, 3-4-7-methyl-diesterase-butoxylinamic-fatso...
As the saying goes... YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!
Ok, I'm sorry, but this is like BREAKFAST FAIL #3 on STEROIDS
If you are eating this as your daily breakfast, then you have a death wish!
I like dessert, I really do. But I eat it only on occasion. NOT TO START MY DAY!
And honestly.. what the hell is with the sausages? Oh, right, protein. Yes, you need protein at breakfast... but on a daily basis, trust me on this one... sausages is not where you want to get it! Tons of chemicals.
Bone up pal... get some oats, fruit, nuts, milk... what your grandparents ate!
Nuff said!
Yes, low carb diets like the Atkins diet work. But they only work if you follow them properly!
What's that? You heard that you can eat all the bacon and eggs you want, and you'll lose fat, clean out your arteries, and avoid cancer and heart disease and live to be 900 years old like Noah?
Without getting into the merits of the Atkins diet in any detail, yes, following this kind of diet can do wonders for your health. But the reason so many people had poor results on the Atkins diet is that it was so restricting of foods people like, that eventually, what was supposed to be eggs, fresh pork, and a variety of vegetables, turned into this plate of food! Note the token tomato and baked beans on top of the ketchup!
Point is... highly restrictive diets don't work... so stay away from them!
Now that you know what constitutes some serious BREAKFAST FAIL... the question is, what should you be eating?
The answer... tomorrow.
Hint... it's called "PSYCHO-BODY-ROCKET-FUEL"...
I've got a great video for you, all ready to show you what it's all about!
And it will make you into a crazy-energy-fiend!
My YouTube Channel is set-up, and I'll be slowly adding instructional exercise videos to it. You can check it out at any time here:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hip Mobility Video - How to Warm up Properly
It's Just A Matter of Time Before it Gets You!
If you are pushing yourself, what you do (or don't do) will eventually lead to an injury!
It could be something minor such as a grade 1 muscle pull, or something serious like torn quadriceps, ruptured disc, or a torn ACL.
Regardless, they all put the breaks on your training, and that's the last thing you want if you're serious about packing on the beef!
Don't be too alarmed though. By incorporating a proper warm-up into your routine, you'll not only reduce your chances of getting injured, but your posture will improve, and without injuries, you'll be far ahead in your training while everyone else is sitting back watching until they heal up.
Why you need to Warm Up
We are adaptive mechanisms. But whether you like it or not, our ability to adapt -- which evolved over thousands of years, is to help us survive, not look buff.
Strength training produces high levels of mechanical tension in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Combine these high levels of tension with the goal of building bigger muscles and you have relatively high levels of tension for prolonged periods of time.
What does this give us? Increased size of the contractile proteins (sarcomeric hypertrophy) as well as increased fluid accumulation inside the muscle fibre (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy), improved tendon and ligament strength, along with improved neural efficiency.
So where's the bad?
Even with a completely balanced training program, muscle tissue still loses its extensibility with strength training, developing adhesions, which produces muscle length/tension relationship issues. And at the heart of the problem is shortening and stiffening of soft-tissues.
This happens as I mentioned even WITH a balanced program. But what are most of you doing? Lots of bench press, lots of leg press, lots of leg extensions and leg curls.
You're using less than full-range movements, and very likely not getting your core temperature adequately increased before getting into your training.
Couple all that with any previous mobility limitations, movement compensation patterns, and further increases in training load and volume and eventually you exceed the physiologic limits of the soft-tissues.
Where does that leave you?
Ever see a penguin walk? If that doesn't scare you enough into doing a proper warm up.. maybe the reaction you get from having to ask someone in the gym shower to pick up your soap bar will!
Now that we're on the same page... that is... we don't want an injury... here's what's involved in preventing injury through warm-ups.
General Warm-Up (GWU)
- increases core temperature
- increases peripheral heart blood flow (flow of blood to the heart muscle itself)
- increases production of synovial fluid to lubricate the joints
- improves extensibility of soft tissues
Specific Movement Preparation (SMP)
- soft-tissue work
- dynamic stretching (before exercise)
- activation work (before and after exercise)
- mobility drills (before and after exercise)
- exercise specific warm-up sets (before strength training work sets)
- static stretching (after exercise)
Before strength training or conditioning workouts, you'll have both GWU and SMP work, and after you'll have some SMP work as well. You'll also need to do some daily SMP work as well.
More for you to learn?
Think it's a pain in the ass and that you don't have time?
Sorry... but that's a load of crap!
Might it mean you have to stop reading the paper or magazines while you're training and actually engage yourself in your workouts?
Ask any of my athletes and they'll tell you straight up, the time it takes each week in total is just a little over an hour, but it can save you weeks or months of lost progress that you get from an injury.
When does a proper warm-up NOT apply to you? There are some conditions.
If you do this at the gym...
Or this...
In general, any wearing of cheap knock-offs of expensive designer sunglasses, with headbands, talking on your cellphone and spend more time looking at yourself in the mirror than you do training, then by all means, please ignore all this, and hopefully injuries will keep you out of the gym so the rest of us can train!
Also, if you're out in the spotlight sometime and you ever do this...
Forgetting all about the hot girl in your arms in favour of flexing your muscles for the cameras like this guy, then you can forget about doing the warm-ups. You'll probably get hit by a car long before your bad form and lack of warm-ups ever hurts you.
So if you're not making any of THOSE mistakes, then you definitely don't want to screw up on your warm-ups. The consistent use of a comprehensive warm-up including dynamic stretching, activation and mobility exercises prior to and after your strength training sessions will dramatically affect your long-term gains and overall health of your joints as well as very likely helping you put up higher numbers on the bar!
Video Demonstration of proper warm-up for lower body training
Soft Tissue Work
Foam Roller: Quads
Foam Roller: IT Bands
Foam Roller: T-Spine
Foam Roller: Lats (Upper body... but important during Squats)
Tennis Ball: Piriformis
Tennis Ball: Glute Medius
Tennis Ball: Rectus Femoris
Tennis Ball: Tensor Fascia Lata
Pre-Activation Dynamic Stretching
Rectus Femoris & Tensor Fascia Lata with Reach
Activation Exercises
Glute Bridge Isometric
Glute Bridge Repetitions
Glute Bridge with Twist & Reach
Mobility Exercises
Striders into Glute Stretch
Squat to Stand
Cossack Squats
Horizontal Adductor
Fire Hydrant into Extension
When I filmed this video, I filmed it as one continuous shot so you could see exactly how long it takes to do it. Unfortunately my Youtube account only allows uploads of 10 minutes, and the video was 11:52 minutes. A few hours later and a fair bit of frustration, I got all the editing done.
Do this to properly warm-up before a lower body workout.
And what would be more cool than anything else would be if you would take a few minutes to sign yourself up for a free Youtube account (which allows you to rate videos), and then if you would rate my video!
5 Stars will bring lots more goodies where this one came from!
Thanks tons!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Don't Screw It Up Again
Already, millions of people are screwing up on their New Years' Resolutions.
The reason?
They have no PLAN!
They get all fired up over their goals as the new year approaches, but without a plan to make it happen, failure is inevitable.
Goals are great to have, but they don't happen by themselves.
Life throws us curves, and often it's simple things that mess it up. A good example is procrastinating your workout until a "later" opportunity that you think would be better. Only problem... shit happens... and when it does, you'll kick yourself in the ass for not having done it before.
A plan contains specific tasks that fit on a timeline. Today's
tasks need to be completed TODAY!
Not tomorrow. Tomorrow has it has it's own tasks.
If you don't even have a plan, you're flirting with sameness.
Is that how you want to be tomorrow? And the day after? The same?
Always the same?
If so, that's your choice, so be it... but I don't and I won't,
because I have a plan, and it's in action each and every day!
If you don't have a plan... you need one. Don't even bother with
anything else until you have one.
Create Your Plan NOW!
Here's what you need to do to reach your strength and fat loss goals
for 2010:
1. Write out your goals.
e.g. I will gain 15-20 lbs of muscle over the course of the year, and drop 10 lbs of body fat.
2. Break them down into smaller goals.
e.g. I will gain roughly 1-1.5 lbs of muscle each month, and I will drop about 1 lb of body fat per month.
3. Assess whether the goals are realistic.
Not all goals are good ones. If you've been a complete couch potato your whole life, deciding to drop 30 lbs of bodyfat in a month is not too smart. If you actually try, you'll burn out on the way, and even if you succeed, you'll likely regret it later when you regain it all back and then some!
A 1-2 lbs gain of muscle per month is realistic for most people with a serious, focused commitment. And a 1 lb of body fat loss per month is normally not too difficult, but with a goal of 1-2 lbs of muscle gain each month it becomes a bit more difficult, although not impossible.
4. How will you measure progress?
e.g. use scale to track body weight, and use skinfold calipers to measure fat loss, or a scale that does a bioelectric impedance measurement to get a body fat measurement.
5. Get your hands on a good strength and conditioning program and diet advice from a trusted source. If you missed it, I put together a great article on how to build a great strength training program, and you can access it here: program.html
And my 7-Day Fat Loss Jumpstart Guide contains some of the best nutrition advice you'll find anywhere.
You can access it for free here:
6. Take action!!
So what's it gonna be?
Is 2010 going to be your year?
Your Strength and Fat Loss Coach,
Shane Miller, CPT, CSN
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
7 Day Fat Loss Jumpstart Guide
If you haven't read it before, it should be part of your 2010 plan for success. If you have read it before, but you still haven't really applied it, give it another read over. You may be surprised to learn a few new things you didn't catch the first time.
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8: